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Interest On Cryptocurrency Ato

Filing Your Australian Cryptocurrency Taxes

ATO's Guidance on Crypto Asset Taxation

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has updated its non-binding web guidance on cryptocurrency taxation, addressing various transactions and activities involving crypto assets for individuals.

Taxability of Cryptocurrency

The ATO treats cryptocurrencies as property or assets for tax purposes, meaning they are subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and Income Tax.

Key Focus Areas for Tax Season

The ATO has announced four key focus areas for tax season:

  • Verification of cryptocurrency holdings
  • Reporting of crypto income
  • Calculating CGT on crypto transactions
  • Determining the tax treatment of crypto assets in business

Crypto Asset Activities

The updated guidance addresses a wide range of crypto asset activities, including:

  • Purchasing and selling cryptocurrency
  • Crypto mining
  • Air-dropped tokens
  • Using cryptocurrency as payment
  • Staking and lending cryptocurrency

Tax Treatment of NFTs

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are also considered crypto assets and are subject to the same tax treatment as cryptocurrencies.

ATO Data Matching

The ATO matches data from cryptocurrency designated service providers to individuals' tax returns, ensuring accurate tax reporting.

Tips for Reporting Crypto Taxes

To ensure compliance with the ATO's requirements, individuals should keep accurate records of their crypto transactions and follow these tips:

  • Calculate CGT by tracking the cost base of your crypto assets
  • Report crypto income in your tax return, even if you don't receive a payment in Australian dollars
  • Declare your crypto assets on your tax return, including their cost base and any disposal proceeds
  • Consider seeking professional advice from a tax accountant if you have complex crypto transactions


Understanding the tax implications of cryptocurrency is crucial for Australian investors. By following the guidance provided by the ATO and keeping accurate records, individuals can ensure they meet their tax obligations and avoid potential penalties.
