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Major Campaign Finance Reforms

The Freedom to Vote Act: A Historic Step Towards Protecting Our Democracy

Major Campaign Finance Reforms

The Freedom to Vote Act incorporates three major campaign finance reforms to improve transparency in our elections and counteract the effect of secret, unlimited money:
  • Requiring super PACs and dark money groups to disclose their donors
  • Closing loopholes that allow foreign money to influence our elections
  • Establishing a small-donor matching system to give everyday Americans a greater voice in our political process

Protecting Our Elections from Voter Suppression and Gerrymandering

The Freedom to Vote Act would also protect our elections from voter suppression, partisan sabotage, and gerrymandering:
  • Expanding early voting and same-day registration
  • Making it easier for people to register to vote by mail
  • Prohibiting states from purging voters from the rolls without notice
  • Creating independent redistricting commissions to draw fair maps that are not gerrymandered for partisan advantage


The Freedom to Vote Act is historic pro-voter legislation that will strengthen our democracy, promote racial justice, and ensure that every American has a voice in our government. It is a crucial step towards protecting our democracy from the threats it faces today. We must all support the passage of this vital legislation to ensure that our democracy remains strong for generations to come.
