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The Freedom To Vote Act Expanding And Protecting Voting Rights In The United States

Campaign Legal Center

The Freedom to Vote Act: Expanding and Protecting Voting Rights in the United States


The Freedom to Vote Act is landmark legislation that aims to strengthen and protect the right to vote for all Americans. This bill addresses a wide range of issues related to the electoral process, including voter registration, voting access, election integrity, redistricting, and campaign finance reform.

Provisions of the Act

Voter Registration and Access

The Act makes it easier for citizens to register to vote and cast their ballots. It expands early voting and same-day registration, and prohibits states from purging voters from the rolls without proper notice. Additionally, it creates a national automatic voter registration system.

Election Integrity

The Act strengthens election security by providing funding for election infrastructure upgrades, implementing risk-limiting audits, and creating a task force to address foreign interference in elections.


The Act establishes independent redistricting commissions to draw electoral districts that are fair and protect the voting rights of minority communities.

Campaign Finance Reform

The Act includes three major campaign finance reforms. It increases transparency by requiring greater disclosure of campaign contributions. It also prohibits foreign nationals from contributing to elections, and limits the amount of money that individuals and organizations can donate to political campaigns.

Importance of the Act

The Freedom to Vote Act is crucial to ensuring the health of American democracy. It expands and protects access to the ballot box, strengthens election security, and reduces the influence of money in politics. By passing this legislation, Congress can safeguard the right to vote for generations to come.


The Freedom to Vote Act is a comprehensive and necessary measure to protect and strengthen the right to vote in the United States. It addresses a range of issues that affect voter participation and election integrity. By supporting this bill, we can ensure that all Americans have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in the electoral process.

Brennan Center For Justice
